Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is Listerine Good For Thrush After Having Major Dental Surgery, I Believe I Have Thrush Mouth.?

After having major dental surgery, I believe I have Thrush Mouth.? - is listerine good for thrush

He had 11 teeth pulled 5 days ago have been missing teeth replaced by a plate .. Today I know my tongue with a white film and a burning sensation .. During last night's coated my tongue turned white, Patchi and burning, the burning worse. I am very concerned, because if I take my teeth grind, it seems to me the tongue on the open shots .. I wonder if it something that should wait until the sea because of the holiday weekend to talk to a doctor or if there is something seriously enough to call me on Saturday morning. I rinse with hydrogen peroxide and water, and how everything Listerine, but it seems to help, and that is seems to get worse .. Thank you ..


  1. You can respond to your voicemail call your dentist and you can use a script for nystatin, prounouced s-eye-stat-in. Do you already have great dentist, who told me they are taking antibiotics, thrush is a side effect of antibiotics. If you call the doctor now, please call the answering machine back.tell thrush antibiotics and the need to have a script to call your need more money to spend for an office move to very much worse immediately and tell the answering machine, I call thrush antibiotics and the need for a prescription at my pharmacy and ready your pharmacy.

  2. I know nothing about the procedure, but I know that all dental services that you rinse with salt water not harm the healing process. White can be caused by hydrogen peroxide. Rinsing with salt water are the best option. To give your practice on a Sunday or as soon as possible is the best option.
