Thursday, February 18, 2010

Plastic Glue And Weight Bearing I Have A Plastic Tube That Broke Off Inside A Small Appliance. What Is The Best Glue These Days For This?

I have a plastic tube that broke off inside a small appliance. What is the best glue these days for this? - plastic glue and weight bearing

It is actually a sleeve that the transfer between two plates and is supported by a screw that is not loaded at all to be saved. I need to celebrate only. Gorilla Glue expands, so that you do not want that. Probably not with super glue or crazy. I bought a twenty Dollar Bill kit sticks to show that miracles ..... at the fair ... but not in my house. (Yes, I know better). So, what is best for you?


  1. Get a new piece of broken plastic, or take a piece of pipe Gett up or down, that within or connected to each other.

  2. You can get a tube of glue, good on the wall functions Welder Mart Placticamos, rubber, ceramics.
